Arquivo de notícias de 2023
Snap's Commitment to Collaboration with Law Enforcement
December 19, 2023
Earlier this month, our Law Enforcement Operations team brought together more than 3,300 members of federal, state, and local law enforcement for our 3rd annual Law Enforcement Summit to demonstrate how Snapchat works and share information about our safety features and policies.
Demonstrar respeito e empatia no Dia Mundial da Bondade
13 de novembro de 2023
Hoje é o Dia Mundial da Bondade e que melhor momento para promover pensamentos e ações positivas do que liderar com respeito, empatia e compaixão em todas as interações, tanto online como offline.
O nosso Relatório de Transparência para o primeiro semestre de 2023
25 de outubro de 2023
Hoje, lançamos o nosso Relatório de Transparência mais recente, que abrange o primeiro semestre de 2023.
Introducing New Safeguards to Protect our Community
September 7, 2023
Today we are announcing new features to further protect 13-17-year-olds from potential online risks.
Especialistas em IA juntam-se ao Conselho Consultivo de Segurança da Snap
31 de julho de 2023
Temos o prazer de partilhar que dois especialistas em IA se juntaram ao nosso conselho e, no mês passado, participaram na primeira reunião presencial do nosso novo SAB.
Atualização da nossa publicidade na Europa e no Reino Unido
24 de julho de 2023
A partir do dia 14 de agosto, no âmbito do nosso programa de conformidade com a Lei Europeia dos Serviços Digitais (DSA) e os regulamentos relevantes do Reino Unido, iremos implementar alterações na forma como mostramos anúncios aos Snapchatters com menos de 18 anos na UE e no Reino Unido.
Our Transparency Report for the Second Half of 2022
June 23, 2023
We just released our latest transparency report, which covers the first half of 2022.
Dia Nacional de Sensibilização para o Fentanil: continuação dos nossos esforços para combater a crise do Fentanil nos EUA
9 de maio de 2023
Ao assinalarmos o segundo Dia Nacional de Sensibilização para o Fentanil, queríamos fornecer à nossa comunidade uma atualização sobre o nosso trabalho contínuo.
An Explainer – My AI and Location Sharing
April 25, 2023
Last week we announced that My AI, our AI-powered chatbot, is rolling out to our Snapchat community. It’s been exciting to watch Snapchatters’ early reactions, and we’re grateful for their feedback to further improve My AI...
Early Learnings from My AI and New Safety Enhancements
April 4, 2023
As part of our joint work to improve My AI, we want to share an update on some of the safety enhancements we have recently put in place as a result of our learnings — along with new tools we plan to implement...
Seeking AI experts for Snap’s Safety Advisory Board
March 31, 2023
Starting today, we are accepting applications for a small number of experts to join our Safety Advisory Board and bring their specialized knowledge in AI...
Introducing Content Controls on Family Center
March 14, 2023
Today, we are pleased to roll out our latest feature for Family Center, Content Controls, which allow parents to limit the type of content their teens can watch on Snapchat...
Introducing the Digital Well-Being Index
February 6, 2023
On the 20th anniversary of Safer Internet Day, we are releasing our inaugural Digital Well-Being Index, a measure of Generation Z’s online psychological well-being...
Data Privacy Day: Learn More About Snap's New Privacy and Safety Hub & Privacy Settings
January 26, 2023
In honor of Data Privacy Day, we recently launched our Privacy and Safety Hub – – a new one-stop-shop housing all our privacy and safety materials and policies under one roof...
How We Work with Law Enforcement Authorities
January 24, 2023
In this post, we want to share some helpful information about how we work together with law enforcement officials and authorities to help keep our community safe...