Privacy, Safety, and Policy Hub

Archivo de noticias 2023

Snap's Commitment to Collaboration with Law Enforcement

December 19, 2023

Earlier this month, our Law Enforcement Operations team brought together more than 3,300 members of federal, state, and local law enforcement for our 3rd annual Law Enforcement Summit to demonstrate how Snapchat works and share information about our safety features and policies.

Demostrando respeto y empatía en el Día Mundial de la Bondad

13 de noviembre de 2023

En el marco del Día Mundial de la Bondad, es propicio impulsar pensamientos y acciones positivas al liderar con respeto, empatía y compasión en todas las interacciones, ya sea en línea como fuera de ella.

Nuestro informe de transparencia para el primer semestre de 2023

25 de octubre de 2023

Hoy presentamos nuestro último informe de transparencia, que abarca el primer semestre de 2023.

Introducing New Safeguards to Protect our Community

September 7, 2023

Today we are announcing new features to further protect 13-17-year-olds from potential online risks.

Expertos en Inteligencia Artificial se unen al consejo asesor de seguridad de Snap

31 de julio de 2023

Estamos encantados de compartir que dos expertos en IA se han unido a nuestra junta y participaron el mes pasado en la primera reunión en persona de nuestro nuevo SAB

Actualización de nuestra publicidad en Europa y el Reino Unido

24 de julio de 2023

A partir del 14 de agosto, implementaremos modificaciones en la forma en que mostramos anuncios a los usuarios menores de 18 años en la Unión Europea y el Reino Unido como parte de nuestro programa de cumplimiento de la Ley Europea de Servicios Digitales (DSA) y las regulaciones pertinentes del Reino Unido.

Our Transparency Report for the Second Half of 2022

June 23, 2023

We just released our latest transparency report, which covers the first half of 2022.

Día nacional de concienciación sobre el fentanilo: continuamos nuestros esfuerzos para combatir la crisis del fentanilo en EE. UU.

9 de mayo de 2023

Con motivo del segundo día nacional de concienciación sobre el fentanilo, queríamos brindar a nuestra comunidad información actualizada sobre nuestras actividades en curso.

An Explainer – My AI and Location Sharing

April 25, 2023

Last week we announced that My AI, our AI-powered chatbot, is rolling out to our Snapchat community. It’s been exciting to watch Snapchatters’ early reactions, and we’re grateful for their feedback to further improve My AI...

Early Learnings from My AI and New Safety Enhancements

April 4, 2023

As part of our joint work to improve My AI, we want to share an update on some of the safety enhancements we have recently put in place as a result of our learnings — along with new tools we plan to implement...

Seeking AI experts for Snap’s Safety Advisory Board

March 31, 2023

Starting today, we are accepting applications for a small number of experts to join our Safety Advisory Board and bring their specialized knowledge in AI...

Introducing Content Controls on Family Center

March 14, 2023

Today, we are pleased to roll out our latest feature for Family Center, Content Controls, which allow parents to limit the type of content their teens can watch on Snapchat...

Introducing the Digital Well-Being Index

February 6, 2023

On the 20th anniversary of Safer Internet Day, we are releasing our inaugural Digital Well-Being Index, a measure of Generation Z’s online psychological well-being...

Data Privacy Day: Learn More About Snap's New Privacy and Safety Hub & Privacy Settings

January 26, 2023

In honor of Data Privacy Day, we recently launched our Privacy and Safety Hub – – a new one-stop-shop housing all our privacy and safety materials and policies under one roof...

How We Work with Law Enforcement Authorities

January 24, 2023

In this post, we want to share some helpful information about how we work together with law enforcement officials and authorities to help keep our community safe...