

Snap 讓人人表達自我、活在當下、瞭解世界、共享喜悅,藉此為人類的進步貢獻一己之力。為了協助達成使命,我們制定社群規範,鼓勵最廣泛的自我表達方式,並致力於確保 Snapchatter 每天都能安全地使用我們的服務。我們希望這些規範對全體社群成員是清楚、容易了解的。請注意,您必須年滿 13 歲,才能加入我們的社群。


我們格外重視可能對 Snapchatter 構成嚴重危害風險的內容或行為,並且保留權利,得針對從事此等行為的使用者立即採取永久性的行動。如需瞭解哪些內容或行為屬於我們認定的嚴重危害,以及我們如何對此採取行動,這裡提供了額外的指引。


本規範適用於所有內容 (包含您的使用者名稱與顯示名稱、所有通訊方式,如文字、影像、生成式 AI、連結或附件、表情符號、特效鏡頭和其他創作工具),或是您在 Snapchat 上的行為,以及所有 Snapchatter。我們格外重視可能對 Snapchatter 構成嚴重危害風險的內容或行為,並且保留權利,得針對從事此等行為的使用者立即採取永久性的行動。如需瞭解哪些內容或行為屬於我們認定的嚴重危害,以及我們如何對此採取行動,這裡提供了額外的指引。

我們在 Snap 的服務中提供生成式 AI。我們採用為了確保生成式 AI 內容符合我們社群規範的保護措施,並希望 Snapchatter 負責地使用 AI。對於使用 AI 違反我們社群規範的帳戶,我們保留採取必要處置的權利,最嚴重包括終止帳戶。


我們已在本文以及我們的服務條款 中制訂相關規則,規範在 Snapchat 上禁止的內容並致力確保這些規則始終遵守。施行這些規則時,我們也將內容性質納入考量,包括內容是否具有新聞價值、符合事實,以及是否與社群所關注的政治、社會或其他一般議題相關。這裡提供了我們如何審查內容及執行政策的其他相關資訊。此外,我們還在以下各節,提供社群規範更詳細相關資訊的連結。

我們希望 Snapchat 為每個人提供安全正向的體驗。我們保留自行決定哪些內容或行為違反我們規則的權利。


適用於 Snapchat 平台與產品上的所有內容與行為,並涵蓋以下主題:

Sexual Content
  • We prohibit any activity that involves sexual exploitation or abuse of a minor, including sharing child sexual exploitation or abuse imagery, grooming, or sexual extortion (sextortion), or the sexualization of children. We report all identified instances of child sexual exploitation to authorities, including attempts to engage in such conduct. Never post, save, send, forward, distribute, or ask for nude or sexually explicit content involving anyone under the age of 18 (this includes sending or saving such images of yourself). 

  • We prohibit promoting, distributing, or sharing pornographic content, as well as commercial activities that relate to pornography or sexual interactions (whether online or offline). 

  • Breastfeeding and other depictions of nudity in non-sexual contexts are generally permitted.

Harassment and Bullying
  • We prohibit bullying or harassment of any kind. This extends to all forms of sexual harassment, including sending unwanted sexually explicit, suggestive, or nude images to other users. If someone blocks you, you may not contact them from another Snapchat account.

  • Sharing images of a person in a private space — like a bathroom, bedroom, locker room, or medical facility — without their knowledge and consent is prohibited, as is sharing another person’s private information without their knowledge and consent or for the purpose of harassment (i.e., “doxxing”).

  • If someone is depicted in your Snap and asks you to remove it, please do! Respect the privacy rights of others. 

  • Please also do not harass another Snapchatter by abusing our reporting mechanisms, such as intentionally reporting content that is permissible.

Threats, Violence, & Harm
  • Encouraging or engaging in violent or dangerous behavior is prohibited. Never intimidate or threaten to harm a person, a group of people, or someone’s property.

  • Snaps of gratuitous or graphic violence, including animal abuse, are not allowed.

  • We don’t allow the glorification of self-harm, including the promotion of self-injury, suicide, or eating disorders.

Harmful False or Deceptive Information
  • We prohibit spreading false information that causes harm or is malicious, such as denying the existence of tragic events, unsubstantiated medical claims, undermining the integrity of civic processes, or manipulating content for false or misleading purposes (whether through generative AI or through deceptive editing).

  • We prohibit pretending to be someone (or something) that you’re not, or attempting to deceive people about who you are. This includes impersonating your friends, celebrities, public figures, brands, or other people or organizations for harmful, non-satirical purposes.

  • We prohibit spam, including undisclosed paid or sponsored content, pay-for-follower promotions or other follower-growth schemes, the promotion of spam applications, or the promotion of multilevel marketing or pyramid schemes.

  • We prohibit fraud and other deceptive practices, including the promotion of fraudulent goods or services or get-rich-quick schemes, or imitating Snapchat or Snap Inc.

Illegal or Regulated Activities
  • Don’t use Snapchat to send or post content that’s illegal in your jurisdiction, or for any illegal activity. This includes promoting, facilitating, or participating in criminal activity, such as buying, selling, exchanging, or facilitating sales of illegal or regulated drugs, contraband (such as child sexual exploitation or abuse imagery), weapons, or counterfeit goods or documents. It also includes promoting or facilitating any form of exploitation, including sex trafficking, labor trafficking, or other human trafficking.

  • We prohibit the illegal promotion of regulated goods or industries, including unauthorized promotion of gambling, tobacco or vape products, and alcohol.

Hateful Content, Terrorism, and Violent Extremism
  • Terrorist organizations, violent extremists, and hate groups are prohibited from using our platform. We have no tolerance for content that advocates or advances terrorism or violent extremism.

  • Hate speech or content that demeans, defames, or promotes discrimination or violence on the basis of race, color, caste, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, or veteran status, immigration status, socio-economic status, age, weight, or pregnancy status is prohibited.

資訊與 Q&A

Question mark

您可隨時使用應用程式內檢舉功能,或填寫此表單,向我們的信任與安全團隊提交報告 (這樣可讓您回報疑慮,不論您是否有 Snapchat 帳戶。)我們會審查這些回報,以確定是否違反本規範。


如果您違反本社群規範,我們可能會移除違規內容、終止您的帳戶或使您的帳戶無法被看見,以及/或通知執法機關。此外,若活動對個人生命構成立即威脅,我們會將資訊轉交給執法單位。如果您的帳戶因違反本規範而遭到終止,則您不得再次使用 Snapchat,亦不得以任何方式規避這類終止情形。

Snap 是否會考慮平台以外的行為?

Snap 保留移除或限制我們有理由認為對 Snapchat 內外的其他人構成危險的使用者帳戶存取權的權利。這類情況包括仇恨團體與恐怖主義組織的領導人、以煽動暴力或對他人造成嚴重危害著稱的個人,或是我們認為對個人生命構成威脅的行為。評估此等行為時,我們可能參酌其他來源的指引,例如主題專家或執法單位,協助決定是否移除或限制帳戶的存取權。


如需進一步瞭解 Snapchat 的安全規範,請造訪我們的安全中心。在此,您會找到管理 Snapchat 體驗的詳細說明,包括如何更新隱私設定、選擇可查看內容的對象、封鎖其他使用者等。