Violations of our harassment and bullying policies include any unwanted behavior that could cause an ordinary person to experience emotional distress. This includes verbal abuse, threatening or shaming other users, and really any behavior intended to embarrass or humiliate the target.
These rules also prohibit all forms of sexual harassment. This may include making unwanted advances, sharing graphic and unsolicited content, or sending obscene requests or invitations to other users. We have zero tolerance for sharing non-consensual intimate imagery (NCII)––including sexual photos or videos taken or shared without permission, as well as “revenge porn” or behavior that threatens to share, exploit, or expose individuals’ intimate images or videos without their consent.
These rules also require users to respect each other’s personal privacy. To help avoid violations of these policies, users should not take photos or video of people without their permission, and should avoid sharing private information about other people, like their home address, birthdate, phone numbers, etc. If someone asks you to remove an image or information about them, please do!
We encourage users to report when they experience or observe violations of these rules. Our moderation teams aim to ensure that each user feels safe and comfortable using Snapchat, and by reporting bad behavior, users can help us advance that goal.