Privacy, Safety, and Policy Hub

Seeking AI experts for Snap’s Safety Advisory Board

March 31, 2023

Last year at this time, Snap invited qualified experts to apply to join our new Safety Advisory Board (SAB), now a group of 14 professionals and three youth advocates that advises Snap on “all things safety.” A year later, we are most appreciative of the feedback and inputs we receive regularly from our board, as well as the trusted and collegial community we are creating. 

Just as the SAB has grown and evolved over the past year, so has the Snapchat experience — by embracing artificial intelligence (AI) with the advent of My AI. So starting today, we are accepting applications for a small number of experts to join our Safety Advisory Board and bring their specialized knowledge in AI. 

We kindly ask those interested to complete and submit by Tuesday, April 25, this short application form. Our goal is to invite selected AI specialists to join the SAB by mid-May. Snap Safety Advisory Board members are not compensated for their time, but Snap does have the ability to support an organization’s programs and initiatives that align with Snap’s objectives. The annual commitment includes two virtual, 90-minute board meetings and one multi-day in-person convening. Other virtual sessions are optional, and SAB members join as their schedules permit. New SAB members will also be asked to agree to the board’s Terms of Reference and embrace operating guidelines established earlier this year.

When we expanded our SAB in 2022, our goal was to grow the board in terms of subject matter expertise, as well as the range of safety-related disciplines and geographies represented. We feel we have done that, but AI is a unique and burgeoning area, such that additional expert knowledge will only benefit Snap, the reinvented board, and, most importantly, our community. Please consider applying or sharing this opportunity with others. We look forward to welcoming new SAB members soon!

- Jacqueline Beauchere, Snap Global Head of Platform Safety

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