Privacy, Safety, and Policy Hub

Our Transparency Report for the Second Half of 2022

June 23, 2023

We just released our latest transparency report, which covers the second half of 2022. 

Our mission is to empower people to express themselves, live in the moment, learn about the world and have fun together. The safety and well-being of our community is essential to helping Snapchatters feel comfortable doing each of those things. Our semi-annual transparency reports are an important tool to hold ourselves accountable and share information and updates on our efforts to combat violating content and accounts on our platform.

 As with every transparency report, we have worked to make improvements so that this report better serves our community and key stakeholders. 

Introducing a New Explainer Guide for Transparency Reports

Because we want to share a significant amount of information with our stakeholders, these transparency reports are long and oftentimes the content can feel difficult to digest. That’s why for the first time, we are creating, “A Guide to Snap’s Transparency Reports,” to accompany our latest report from the second half of 2022, so parents, caregivers, members of our community and other stakeholders can better understand how to interpret transparency reports, including what each category of content means and easily compare what’s new to our previous reports. 

Identifying Trends For More Transparency

We also want to make it easier for readers to identify the macrotrends in the data and what matters most. That’s why we are introducing a new section to our transparency reports called “Analysis of Content and Account Violations,” where we assess major data changes between the latest report and previous reports. 

We hope this new analysis will help put into context the most prevalent content and account violation numbers and what they mean for our community’s safety and well-being.

Leveraging our Safety Advisory Board and our Community Guidelines 

Our Community Guidelines serve as the foundation for keeping our platform safe. They outline the types of content and behaviors that are strictly prohibited across our whole platform, so it’s important that our transparency reports reference and align with our guidelines as much as possible. As part of their ongoing work to help us improve, our Safety Advisory Board recommended that we order the types of violations in our transparency reports to mirror how we have them listed in our Community Guidelines as one way of providing more consistency in how we present data. Starting in this report, we have implemented this suggestion. 

We also enhanced our report glossary to include more information and explainers about our Community Guidelines. These new resources provide additional context around our platform policy and operational efforts. Now, if people would like to explore further than the quick definition included in the report, they can easily dive deeper by clicking out to more information.

We remain committed to earning and keeping the trust of our community and stakeholders. We will continue working to help keep our community safe, report on our progress and hold ourselves accountable.

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