Deceptive Content

We are vigilant in our enforcement against fraudulent ads. Fraud includes a range of scams and deceptive marketing practices that abuse community trust or otherwise entice users to make purchases or engage in activities under misleading pretenses.
We prohibit:
Ads that are false or misleading, including deceptive claims, offers, functionality, or business practices.
Unauthorized or undisclosed sponsored content
Promotion of fraudulent goods or services, including counterfeit documents or certificates, or counterfeit products.Creating or sharing content that mimics the appearance or function of Snapchat features or formats.
Ads that contain deceiving calls to action, or lead to landing pages unrelated to the brand or content being advertised.
Cloaking, otherwise restricting landing page access, or modifications to URL content following submission in an attempt to circumvent review.
Ads that encourage dishonest behavior. (e.g., ads for fake IDs, plagiarism, essay writing services).
Non-delivery of goods, or misrepresented shipping delays or inventory constraints
Use of subliminal techniques
See also Industry Specifics: Financial products and services
Hate, Terrorism and Extremism