Snapchat, in collaboration with the UK internet safety charity Childnet, has developed a new guide for parents to help them to have open and honest conversations about online safety with their children.
It’s back to school in many parts of the world and what better time to remind teens, parents, and educators about the importance of reporting safety concerns to online platforms and services.
As teens head back to school, we’re launching new safety tools and resources created specifically for educators.
Earlier this year, we announced the selection of Snap’s inaugural Council for Digital Well-Being, a pilot program in the U.S. designed to hear from teens on the state of life online today, as well as their hopes and ideals for more positive and rewarding online experiences. In May, we officially kicked off Council activities, and we are excited to introduce this thoughtful and engaging group.
Today, we're sharing how we are committed to fostering a positive and safe environment for our community during the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics.
Today, Snap is honored to join two fellow tech companies, the government, and the United Nations (UN) in launching The Alliance to Prevent Drug Harms.
Pirms Apvienotās Karalistes vispārējām vēlēšanām 4. jūlijā mēs pilnībā apzināmies savu unikālo atbildību attiecībā uz jauno vēlētāju mobilizēšanu un izglītošanu, gatavojoties vēlēšanu dienai.
Šodien iepazīstinām ar jaunām funkcijām turpmākai kopienas aizsardzībai pret kaitējumu tiešsaistē.
We are excited to announce the members of Snap’s first-ever Council for Digital Well-Being, our 18-month pilot program for young people in the U.S.
At Snap, we are constantly working to prevent the abuse of our service by criminals seeking to distribute illicit drugs, including counterfeit pills. Today, we’re honored to work alongside heroes – public health experts, law enforcement, and parent and family groups – to commemorate the third annual National Fentanyl Awareness Day.
Šodien esam publicējuši mūsu jaunāko Pārredzamības atskaiti par 2023. gada otro pusi.
Šā mēneša sākumā Snap kopā ar citiem lielākajiem tehnoloģiju uzņēmumiem saņēma vēstuli no vairāk nekā 200 pilsoniskās sabiedrības organizācijām, pētniekiem un žurnālistiem, kurā tikām mudināti pastiprināt vēlēšanu integritātes aizsardzības centienus 2024. gadā.