為了維護 Snapchat 的使用安全,我們會與執法單位及政府機構合作,應有效的資訊要求協助案件調查。我們也會努力主動提報任何可能對生命構成立即威脅的內容。
雖然 Snapchat 上的大多數內容預設會被刪除,但我們會根據適用法律努力保留,並向政府機構提供帳戶資訊。我們收到索取 Snapchat 帳戶記錄提出的要求,並確認法律要求之有效性 (必須確定要求是由合法的執法單位或政府機構提出,而非不當行為人) 後,就會依照相關的法律和隱私規範做出回應。
United States Government Information Requests
Requests for User Information from U.S. government entities.
* “Account Identifiers” reflects the number of identifiers (e.g., username, email address, and phone number) belonging to a single account specified by law enforcement in legal process when requesting user information. Some legal process may include more than one identifier. In some instances, multiple identifiers may identify a single account. In instances where a single identifier is specified in multiple requests, each instance is included.