
Profiles make it easy to find the info and Snapchat features that you care about the most.
There are different types of Profiles on Snapchat, including My Profile, Friendship Profiles, Group Profiles, and Public Profiles.
My Profile features your Snapchat info, like your Bitmoji, location on the Map, friend info, and more. Friendship Profile is unique to each friendship, this is where you can find Snaps and Chats you’ve saved, your friend’s Snapchat info like their Bitmoji and location on the Map (if they’re sharing that with you), and this is also where you can manage your friendship, and report, block, or remove the friend. Group Profiles showcase your saved Snaps and Chats within a Group Chat and your friends’ Snapchat info.
Public Profiles enable Snapchatters to be discovered in Snapchat. In most regions, if you’re over 18, you’re eligible for a Public Profile. When using your Public Profile, you can showcase your favorite public Stories, Spotlights, Lenses and other information. Other Snapchatters will be able to follow your Public Profile. Your follower count is turned off by default, but if you want you can turn it on in Settings.

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