
Memories makes it easy to look back on Snaps you’ve saved and even edit and resend them!
We add Snapchat’s magic to the content saved to Memories (as well as the content in your device’s camera roll, if you’ve granted us access to it) in order to personalize your experience. We do this by adding labels based on the content, so that you can easily search for it, and to inform us of what type of content you’re interested in so that we can surface similar content in Memories or other parts of our Services, such as Spotlight. For example, if you save lots of Snaps of your dog in Memories we can recognize that there is a dog and personalize your experience by showing you Spotlight Snaps or ads about the cutest dog toys!
We may also suggest ways to share your Memories and camera roll content with friends with a new twist — like a fun Lens! — but you get to decide when and where to share. We’ll also help you navigate through all your Memories, for example by grouping them around a certain time or place so you can more easily create Stories or Spotlight Snaps featuring your favorite Memories.
Keeping Memories backed up online helps keep them from being lost, but that shouldn’t mean you have to sacrifice your privacy or security. That’s why we made “My Eyes Only,” which lets you keep your Snaps safe and encrypted, and protected behind a password you choose. That way, even if someone steals your device and logs in to Snapchat somehow, those private Snaps are still safe. Without the password, no one can view these things after they are saved in My Eyes Only — not even us! Be careful, though, because if you forget your password, there’s no way to recover those encrypted Snaps.
Additionally, in Memories, you can view AI generated portraits with you and your friends. The selfies you upload to create these portraits are used with the help of generative AI to create novel pictures of you and your friends.

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