General Requirements

Targeting and compliance
All advertisements must be suitable for their selected audience in each geographic area where the advertisements will run. Snapchat is a 13+ app, so we will reject advertisements that are addressed to, or intended to appeal to, children under the age of 13.
Advertisements must comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, public order rules, industry codes, regulations and cultural sensitivities in each geographic area where the advertisements will run. Please note:
Advertisements for certain products or services may not be targeted on the basis of gender, age or location.
Certain locations have language requirements.
As a US-based company, Snap will not accept advertisements targeted to or paid for by entities in countries subject to US trade sanctions or other US export control laws.
All required disclosures, disclaimers and warnings in ads must be clear and conspicuous (see Ad Specifications and Guidelines for more detail), and advertisers must be accurately and clearly identified in the ad.
Privacy: Data Collection and Usage
Ads may not collect sensitive information or special category data, as defined in the Rules, including any information that is based on or includes: (i) an alleged or actual commission of a crime; (ii) health information, including any “protected health information” or “consumer health data” (as defined in the Personal Data Terms) and any health information further detailed in our Business Help Centre; or (iii) information about users’ financial status, racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs or preferences, sex life or sexual preferences, political opinions, or trade union membership. We permit health-related surveys only from accredited research institutions or public health organisations.
The advertiser's privacy policy must be readily accessible where any personal information is collected.
Personal information must be collected and processed securely. Advertisements that deceive users into providing personal information under false pretences are prohibited.
Advertisements must not state or imply knowledge of personal data, sensitive information, online activity or the precise whereabouts of a user.
Intellectual property
Infringing Content
Advertisements must not infringe the intellectual property, privacy, publicity or other legal rights of any person or entity. Advertisers must have all necessary rights and permissions for all elements of their advertisements. Advertisements may not feature the name, likeness (including lookalikes), voice (including soundalikes) or other identifying features of an individual without the individual's consent.
The following is prohibited:
Advertisements for products or services principally used to infringe the intellectual property rights of others, such as those designed to bypass copyright protection mechanisms (for example, software or cable signal descramblers).
Advertisements for products or services principally dedicated to selling counterfeit products, such as imitations of designer or officially-licensed products.
Advertisements for products or services with false celebrity testimonials or usage.
If you believe your copyright, trademark or publicity rights have been infringed by an ad served on Snapchat, we encourage you to attempt to contact and resolve your concerns with the advertiser directly. Alternatively, rights holders and their agents can report alleged intellectual property infringement to Snap here. We take all such reports seriously.
References to Snap
Advertisements must not suggest an affiliation with or endorsement by Snap or its products. This means that advertisements must not use any Snap-owned trademark or copyright, Bitmoji artwork or representations of the Snapchat user interface, except as permitted in the Snapchat Brand Guidelines or the Bitmoji Brand Guidelines. Nor may advertisements contain altered or confusingly similar variations of any Snap-owned trademark.
Creative quality and landing page
All advertisements must meet high quality and editorial standards. Please visit the Specs and Creative Guidelines section of our Business Help Centre for the technical and creative specifications for each of our advertising products. Advertisement creatives that do not meet these guidelines will be rejected.
When reviewing advertisements, we apply our policies not only to the advertisement's creative (such as the Top Snap, Filter or Sponsored Lens), but also the advertisement's landing page or other associated elements. We reject advertisements with landing pages that are:
Low quality (e.g. dead links, pages that are non-functional or not formatted for mobile phones)
Disruptive (e.g. unexpected user experiences, sudden loud noises, aggressive flashing)
Irrelevant (e.g. pages that don't match the product or service being advertised, or that unnecessarily draw out the purchase process in order to expose the user to more and more advertisements)
Unsafe (e.g. attempts to automatically download files of phish for user data)
Promotions on Snapchat are subject to Snap’s Promotion Rules.
Ads Category Requirements