Safety resources and support
We work with industry experts and non-governmental agencies to provide resources and support to Snapchatters in need. Here are some resources that can help if you or someone you know needs support or just wants to chat!
You can also explore our Here For You search tool which shows resources from expert localised partners when you search for certain topics related to mental health, anxiety, depression, stress, suicidal thoughts, grief and bullying.
We have also developed a page dedicated to sexual risks and harms, in an effort to support those in distress. There, you can find a list of global support resources.
MindUp (global; main offices in the US, UK and
CA)MindUp supports children ages 3 to 14 by providing them with the tools and knowledge to manage stress and thrive in school all while maintaining optimism, resilience and compassion.
Resources for Northern America
United States (US) 🇺🇸
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Call or text988 or chat
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across the United States.
National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7 information service and treatment referral for those facing mental and/or substance use disorders. Available in English and Spanish.
(for active US service members, veterans and family members)
Call +1 800 273 8255 or SMS: 838 255
The Veterans Crisis Line is a free, confidential resource that’s available to anyone, even if you’re not registered with VA or enrolled in VA health care.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Call +1 800 950 6264 or SMS: Text NAMI to 741 74
1NAMI provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives
.Active Mind
sActive Minds is the nation’s premier non-profit organisation supporting mental health awareness and education for young adults. Some helpful pages include:
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Call +1 240 485 1001
(ADAA) is an international non-profit organisation dedicated to the prevention, treatment and cure of anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD and co-occurring disorders through education, practice and research.
National Eating Disorders Association
Call 0800 931 2237
The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders. NEDA supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders and serves as a catalyst for prevention, cures and access to quality care.
Trans Lifeline
Call +877 565 8860
Trans Lifeline is a trans-led organisation that connects trans people to the community, support and resources they need to survive and thrive.
Call +1 877 235 4525
Hopeline focuses on active listening techniques to offer caring non-judgmental listening to their callers. They do not give advice on the lines but instead will offer referrals to other organisations.
Canada (CA) 🇨🇦
Canada Suicide Prevention Services (CSPS)
Call +1 833 456 4566
Crisis Services Canada (CSC) provides suicide prevention and support to the people of Canada.
Youthspace (Online crisis and emotional support chat. Chats are confidential and anonymous.)
SMS: 778 783 0177 is an online crisis and emotional support chat. We listen without judgement, and keep chats confidential and anonymous.
Hope for Wellness Helpline
Call +1 855 242 3310
Call the toll-free helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or chat online. Phone and chat are available in English and French, and on request also available in Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut.
Amelia Rising
Call 705 476 3355
Amelia Rising Sexual Violence Support Centre provides free, completely confidential support for people 12 years of age and older who have experienced sexual or gender-based violence.
Crisis Text Line
SMS: Text HOME to 686868
Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone is a service partnership between Kids Help Phone and technology pioneer Crisis Text Line, providing young people in Canada with the other first ever, 24/7, free, nation-wide texting service.
Talking for Change
Call 1 833 703 3303
Talking for Change provides free therapy and anonymous support services to help individuals live a safe, healthy, and non-offending life, in regard to their sexuality and interactions with children.
Resources for Europe
Austria (AT) 🇦🇹
Rat auf Draht
Call 147
Rat auf Draht offers advice for children and teenagers at any time – anonymously – and free of charge.
Call 142
Telefon Seelsorge offers crisis situation support. On the emergency number 142, you can reach us 24 hours a day, free of charge.
Belgium (BE) 🇧🇪
Zelfmoord 1813
Call 1813
The Centre For Suicide Prevention is a non-profit organisation dedicated to ending suicide. The organisation offers a suicide hotline as well as comprehensive research services.
Child Focus
Call 116 000
Child Focus provides an anonymous 24/7 hotline to report missing children and the sexual exploitation of minors.
Croatia (HR) 🇭🇷
HRABRI Telefon
Call 0800 0800 (for adults) or 116 111 (for teenagers)
Help and Support for Children and Parents – The Brave Phone for Children 116 111; A brave phone for moms and dads 0800 0800. Chat and e-mail.
Denmark (DK) 🇩🇰
Call 70 201 201
Livslinien is a suicide advisory hotline offering professional consultations and assistance aimed at reducing suicide attempts.
Call 116 111
Children's Phone is the children's line for counselling, comfort or just an adult who has time to listen.
Estonia (EE) 🇪🇪
Call 655 8088
Life Line as a Relief Centre was created under the leadership of Airi Värnik, Director of the Estonian-Swedish Institute of Suicidology. It provides emotional support to single, unhappy, depressed and/or suicidal people.
Finland (FI) 🇫🇮
Suomen Mielenterveysry
Call 09 2525 0111
MIELI The Finnish Mental Health Association is a public health and non-governmental organisation. The club promotes mental health in Finland and does preventive mental health work.
France (FR) 🇫🇷
Call 3018
The new national number against digital violence, free for children and adolescents facing problems related to their digital use – 100% anonymous, free and confidential.
Suicide Écoute
Call 01 45 39 40 00
Suicide Ecoute helps those who are thinking about ending their lives or have decided to do so. Suicide Ecoute allows everyone, in complete anonymity, to express their suffering.
SOS Suicide Phénix
Call 01 40 44 46 45
The SOS Suicide Phoenix France Federation aims to PREVENT suicide and PROMOTE preventive actions in complementarity with the actors of the medico-social field.
Germany (DE) 🇩🇪
Call 0800 111 0 111 or 0800 111 0 222
Telefonseelsorge is a volunteer organisation comprised of over 8,000 volunteer employees that helps counsel anyone who needs mental health support via phone, chat, email and in-person counselling around the clock.
Nummer gegen Kummer
Call 116 111
Nummer gegen Kummer e.V. (NgK) is the umbrella organisation of the largest free telephone counselling service for children, adolescents and parents in all of Germany.
Troubled Desire
Prevention Project Dunkelfeld is a German initiative aimed at preventing the sexual abuse of minors by providing confidential and anonymous therapy to individuals, both children and adults, who are concerned about instigating potential abuse.
Greece (GR) 🇬🇷
Call 1056
“The Smile of the Child” is a registered NGO, founded in 1995 by 10-year-old Andreas Yannopoulos to defend children's rights. For teens under 18 years of age.
Ireland (IE) 🇮🇪
Pieta House
Call 1 800 247 247 or SMS: Text HELP to 51444
Pieta provides free therapy to those engaging in self-harm, with suicidal ideation or bereaved by suicide.
Belong To
Call 01 670 6223
BeLonG To’s vision is a world where LGBTI+ young people are equal, safe and valued in the diversity of their identities and experiences.
Jigsaw – The National Centre for Youth Mental Health
Call 353 1 472 7010
Jigsaw is a charitable organisation supporting young people’s mental health through mentorship, research, education and training.
ReachOut Ireland
ReachOut Ireland is an online mental health service provider that provides young people with mental health issues to access information and practical tools.
Italy (IT) 🇮🇹
Telefono Amico
Call 199 284 284
Telefono Amico is a volunteer organisation committed to listening to anyone who feels loneliness, anguish, sadness, discomfort or anger.
Lithuania (LT) 🇱🇹
Lithuanian Association of Emotional Support Lines
LEPTA's mission is to provide free, easily accessible, anonymous emotional support at a critical time, to reduce a person's emotional pain, to help withstand and overcome difficulties.
Jaunimo Linija
Call 8 800 28888
Jaunimo Linija offers phone, written letter or online chat support for those in need. Everything you tell them will stay between you and the Youth Line.
Luxembourg (LU) 🇱🇺
Call 116 111
The action of the KJT is a resource provided to children, young people and parents by offering them listening and assistance that is easily accessible and without constraints.
BEE SECURE is Luxembourg's Safer Internet Centre. Providing resources through news, fact sheets, events and tips to stay safe on the Internet!
Netherlands (NL) 🇳🇱
113 Suicide Prevention
Call 0800 - 0113 / chat available
The 113 suicide foundation is the national organisation for the prevention of suicide. The organisation's mission is to work toward a country where nobody dies lonely and distraught by suicide.
MIND Netherlands
Call 0900 - 1450 / chat available
MIND offers a national hotline for mental health struggles. The organisation was founded in 1965.
Call 020 – 261 52 75 / Chat available
Helpwanted is the national hotline to get help with unwanted online behaviour (such as the sharing of nudes, being hacked, groomed, bullied, exposed or threatened).
Join US
Call 085 877 03 42 / apply through website
Join US runs a national program to help people under 30 that are lonely by connecting them with people in their neighbourhood or online.
Norway (NO) 🇳🇴
Kirkens SOS
Call 22 40 00 40
Kirkens SOS is a religious organisation seeking to alleviate emotional turmoil and prevent suicide with 24-hour telephone, text and instant message support.
Mental Helse Hjelpetelefonen
Call 116 123
Mental Health strives for increased openness, prevention of mental health problems and better health care. Users and relatives have experience and knowledge about mental health that we want to convey to public authorities, professional communities, organisations and individuals.
Poland (PL) 🇵🇱
Telefon Zaufania dla Dzieci i Młodzieży
Call 116 111
We are a group of people helping to cope with difficult situations. You can tell us about what you are going through.
Portugal (PT) 🇵🇹
Call 808 237 327 or 210 027 159
We receive calls from people to deal with problems caused by loneliness, illness, broken family relationships, drug addiction, abuse and various emotional situations. On our support line, we do not make value judgments. In an anonymous and confidential way, we provide the ear as a shoulder. If you need help, don't hesitate. Call us. We care!
Romania (RO) 🇷🇴
Alianţa Română de Prevenţie a Suicidului
Call 0800 801 200
The Romanian Suicide Prevention Alliance (ARPS) is a non-profit organisation, established with the purpose of maintaining and promoting the quality of life by preventing suicide.
Serbia (RS) 🇷🇸
Centar Srce
Call 0800 300 303
Mission of the Centre is to offer emotional support to people in crisis and suicide prevention by telephone, e-mail and chat. We think we can alleviate suffering a person is feeling and reduce the intensity of suicidal feelings.
Slovakia (SK) 🇸🇰
Linka Detskej Istoty
Call 116 000
Help children and young people reach out to someone when in need. The Line phone rings 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Slovenia (SI) 🇸🇮
Enska Svetovalnica – Krizni Centre
Call 031 233 211
The Women's Counselling Society is a public interest humanitarian organisation active in the field of psycho-social assistance and self-help for women victims of violence.
TOM – Telefon Za Otroke in Mladostnike
Call 116 111
TOM is a telephone for children and adolescents operating within the framework of the Friends of Youth Association of Slovenia (ZPMS).
Društvo Zaupni telefon Samarijan
Call 116 123
The mission of the Society is to be available to the individual to speak in distress at any time of the day and all days of the year, including weekends and public holidays, on two phones at a time.
Spain (ES) 🇪🇸
Teléfono de la Esperanza
Call 717 003 717
Telefono de la Esperanza is a social organisation promoting emotional health for people in situations of crisis within the Spanish-Portuguese speaking world with urgent, free crisis intervention.
Internet Segura for Kids
Call 017
Safe Internet for Kids (IS4K) is the Internet Safety Centre for minors in Spain and aims to promote the safe and responsible use of the internet and new technologies amongst children and adolescents.
Sweden (SE) 🇸🇪
Call 90 101
Promotes mental health care, to maintain mental equilibrium and health of healthy persons, to prevent the nervous and mental illnesses of endangered persons and to improve through the appropriate care commitments of those affected by such diseases.
Switzerland (CH) 🇨🇭
Tel 143
Call 143
Providing people who want a helping conversation or a supportive online contact.
United Kingdom (UK) 🇬🇧
Call 116 123
Samaritans is a charity organisation that seeks to listen and help people talk through their concerns and worries.
PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide HOPELineUK
Call 0 800 068 41 41 or SMS: 07860039967
PAPYRUS is a confidential support and advice service for children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide and anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide.
UK Safer Internet Centre
The UK Safer Internet Centre is a partnership of three leading charities; Childnet, the South West Grid for Learning and the Internet Watch Foundation.
Campaign Against Living Miserably
Call 0 800 58 58 58
Our helpline is for people in the UK who are down or have hit a wall for any reason, who need to talk or find information and support.
Call 0 300 123 3393
We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing mental health problems.
Revenge Porn Helpline
Call 0345 6000 459
Revenge Porn Helpline supports those 18+ who are experiencing intimate image abuse, commonly known as revenge porn, by providing advice and guidance with helping to remove this content. Email
Action Fraud
Call 0300 123 2040
Action Fraud is the UK's national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cybercrime in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Lucy Faithfull Foundation
Call 0808 1000 900
The Lucy Faithfull Foundation is a UK-based child-protection charity that works with both children and child sexual exploitation and abuse offenders through its programme Stop It Now!
Stop! Think Fraud is an online resource which provides a variety of tools to help people to spot and stay ahead of scams. This includes advice on how to safeguard against fraud as well as practical advice and support if you have been impacted by online fraud.
Resources for Latin America and the Caribbean
Argentina (AR) 🇦🇷
Hablemos de Todo
Hablemos de Todo provides anonymous chat via website. A space to talk about what is happening to you, ask questions and clear all your doubts freely.
Bahamas (BS) 🇧🇸
National Hotline for Crisis Intervention
Call +242 322 2763
The Department of Social Services provides a child abuse hotline and recently amalgamated services to include counselling to persons who may be depressed, overwhelmed or experiencing difficulties coping because of their current life challenges.
Brazil (BR) 🇧🇷
O CVV – Centro de Valorização da Vida
Call 188
Centro de Valorização da Vida (CVV) is a non-profit organisation that provides free, discreet emotional support and suicide prevention services.
Chile (CL) 🇨🇱
Todo Mejora
: Todo Mejora promotes the well-being of children and adolescents who suffer bullying and suicidal behaviour, due to discrimination based on sexual orientation, identity and gender expression. From Monday to Friday and on Sundays, Todo Mejora hosts Safe Hour, where staff is available to chat with you in real time.
Guyana (GY) 🇬🇾
The Caribbean Voice
The Caribbean Voice offers global resources on issues like suicide prevention, mental health, combating domestic abuse and sexual assault, and child protection.
Mexico (MX) 🇲🇽
Call 55 5259 8121
SAPTEL is a mental health and distance-medicine service with 30 years of operating. SAPTEL is a professional programme attended by selected, trained, and supervised psychologists who provide free counselling, referral, psychological support, psychotherapeutic counselling and emotional crisis intervention. SAPTEL offers its services to the Republic of Mexico in its entirety.
Alianza por la seguridad en internet
Alianza por la seguridad en internet (ASI) Mexico is a non-profit organisation working to educate families and youth about digital citizenship and the responsible use of the internet.
Resources for Africa
Mauritius (MU) 🇲🇺
Befrienders Mauritius
Call 230 800 93 93
Befrienders Worldwide centres provide an open space for those in distress to talk and be heard. This is via telephone helplines, SMS messaging, face-to-face interactions, internet chat, outreach and local partnerships.
South Africa (ZA) 🇿🇦
SADAG - The South African Depression and Anxiety Group:
Call 0800 567 567.
The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) is at the forefront of patient advocacy, education and destigmatisation of mental illness in the country. Its expertise lies in assisting patients and callers throughout South Africa with mental health queries.
Call 0861 322 322
To facilitate individuals and communities throughout Ekurhuleni embracing emotional wellness.
The Triangle Project (for LGBTI persons, partners and their family members)
Call 021 422 0255
Triangle Project is a non-profit human rights organisation offering professional services to ensure the full realisation of constitutional and human rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) persons, their partners and families.
LifeLine Pietermaritzburg
Call 033 342 4447
LifeLine Pietermaritzburg trading as LifeLine and Rape Crisis is a registered civil society organisation which offers generic counselling free of charge to anyone who needs such service.
Resources for Asia
China (CN) 🇨🇳
Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Centre
Call 010 8295 1332
Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Centre helps people in distress.
Lifeline Shanghai:
Call 400 821 1215
Lifeline offers a free, confidential and anonymous support service; assistance are available to provide a safe source of support for individuals in times of emotional distress or crisis.
Hong Kong Region
The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong (香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會)
Call 2389 2222
The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong service is provided by a group of enthusiastic volunteers. With a spirit of helping others, they provide people with emotional distress, despair, helplessness or suicide intent to provide 24-hour instant emotional relief services.
The Samaritans Hong Kong (香港撒瑪利亞會)
Call 2896 0000
The Samaritans are here to listen, no matter how disturbing or ordinary the problem may seem. We do not give advice or tell you what to do. We are here to offer unconditional emotional support.
India (IN) 🇮🇳
Call 022 2754 6669
Aasra is a crisis intervention centre for the lonely, distressed and suicidal. We aim to help prevent and manage mental illness by providing voluntary, professional and essentially confidential care and support to the depressed and the suicidal.
Sneha India
Call 91 44 2464 0050
Sneha is a suicide prevention organisation in Chennai, India. We offer unconditional emotional support to anyone who could be feeling distressed, depressed or suicidal.
Japan (JP) 🇯🇵
Tokyo Suicide Prevention Centre (東京自殺防止センター)
Call 03 5286 9090
Tokyo Suicide Prevention Centre provides confidential and emotional support to those in distress and despair, including emotions that may lead to suicide.
Aichi Suicide Prevention Centre
Aichi Suicide Prevention Centre is a volunteer organisation aimed at providing emotional support to those who are considering suicide anytime, anywhere.
Malaysia (MY) 🇲🇾
Befrienders Kuala Lumpur
Call 603 7956 8145
Befrienders is a not-for-profit organisation providing emotional support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to people who are lonely, in distress, in despair and having suicidal thoughts – without charge.
Philippines (PH) 🇵🇭
Natasha Goulbourn Foundation
Call 0917 558 4673
The Natasha Goulbourn Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting a healthier society of Filipinos through the use of positive and preventive activities that will focus on mental wellness for all.
Singapore (SG) 🇸🇬
Samaritans of Singapore (新加坡援人協會)
Call 1800 221 4444
Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) is dedicated to providing confidential emotional support to individuals facing a crisis, thinking about or affected by suicide.
Silver Ribbon (Singapore)
Call 65 6386 1928
To combat mental health stigma, encourage early help and facilitate the integration of people with mental illness within the society through innovative means of promoting mental health literacy.
Resources for Oceania
Australia (AU) 🇦🇺
Call 13 11 14
Lifeline provides Australians experiencing personal crises with 24-hour access to suicide prevention services, domestic violence trainings and financial welfare programmes.
Kids Helpline
Call +1 800 55 1800
Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, private and confidential phone counselling service specifically for young people aged 5 to 25.
Call +1 300 22 4636
Beyondblue is a non-profit organisation working to promote good mental health, tackle stigma and discrimination, and provide support and information on anxiety, depression and suicide.
New Zealand (NZ) 🇳🇿
Depression Hotline
Call 0800 111 757
This website helps New Zealanders recognise and understand depression and anxiety by encouraging early recognition and help-seeking.
The Lowdown
SMS: 5626
The Lowdown encourages early recognition and help for depression or anxiety. On the site young people can find helpful information on anxiety, depression (and other issues they may be struggling with like leaving school or getting on with their parents), videos of 12 real young people telling their stories and more.
Call 0800 376 633 or SMS: 234
Youthline works with young people, their families and those supporting young people. Our organisations are made up of volunteer and paid staff members – and we have centres based across the country.
Call 0800 543 354 or SMS: Text HELP to 357 for free
Our mission is to reduce distress and save lives by providing safe, accessible, effective, professional and innovative services. We work specifically to increase awareness and understanding of suicide prevention in New Zealand and reduce the associated stigma and to work with others to make a positive contribution to the health and social sector.