Community Guidelines

Harassment and Bullying

Community Guidelines Explainer Series

Updated: January 2023


在 Snapchat 上不允许出现欺凌和骚扰行为。这些伤害可以以多种形式发生,所以我们将我们的政策方针和产品保障和资源与用户相结合,以便采用动态和多层面的方式来应对这些风险。

我们政策的底线是保护我们社区的所有成员不受贬低、诽谤或歧视性内容的伤害。此外,还禁止未经个人知情或同意的情况下,分享他人的私人信息或 Snap。

除了始终贯彻实施这些政策,我们还使用我们的产品设计来限制可能违反规定的伤害性行为。这包括默认设置中,要求两个好友均同意某一连接,才能够互相发送消息,并在截取私人 Snap、消息、个人档案的图片时,向用户发送通知。

通过 Here For You 的功能,我们帮助确保用户能够访问应用程序内的资源和信息,帮助识别并应对欺凌和骚扰。我们也提供了一系列工具,确保能够轻松举报 Snapchat 上的违规行为。

  • 禁止任何形式的霸凌或骚扰行为。这项禁止延伸到所有形式的骚扰,包括向其他用户发送明确的性或裸体的图像。如果有人屏蔽你,禁止用另一个帐户联系他们。

  • 在未经他人知情和同意的情况下,禁止在私人空间(如浴室、卧室、更衣室或医疗机构)分享他人的私人信息和 Snap。

  • 如果有人出现在你的 Snap 中并要求你将其移除,请执行!尊重他人的隐私权。

What you should expect

Violations of our harassment and bullying policies include any unwanted behavior that could cause an ordinary person to experience emotional distress. This includes verbal abuse, threatening or shaming other users, and really any behavior intended to embarrass or humiliate the target.

These rules also prohibit all forms of sexual harassment. This may include making unwanted advances, sharing graphic and unsolicited content, or sending obscene requests or invitations to other users. We have zero tolerance for sharing non-consensual intimate imagery (NCII)––including sexual photos or videos taken or shared without permission, as well as “revenge porn” or behavior that threatens to share, exploit, or expose individuals’ intimate images or videos without their consent.

These rules also require users to respect each other’s personal privacy. To help avoid violations of these policies, users should not take photos or video of people without their permission, and should avoid sharing private information about other people, like their home address, birthdate, phone numbers, etc. If someone asks you to remove an image or information about them, please do!

We encourage users to report when they experience or observe violations of these rules. Our moderation teams aim to ensure that each user feels safe and comfortable using Snapchat, and by reporting bad behavior, users can help us advance that goal.


Our goal is to foster a safe community where Snapchatters can express themselves, and we do not tolerate harassment & bullying of any kind. Bullying and harassment come in many forms, and our approach is to be conscientious of how our users feel while using our platform.

Please be considerate of people’s dignity and privacy––if they express discomfort, respect their boundaries; if they ask you to remove content about them, please do; and generally refrain from sharing images of people or information about them without their permission. If you ever feel uncomfortable, do not hesitate to send us a report and block the other user––these features are provided for your safety.

We are committed to constantly calibrating the operation of our policies to improve our ability to address harmful content or behavior. While user reports help to inform our approach, we are committed to working with diverse leaders from across the safety community to ensure we are advancing these objectives responsibly. For more information about our safety efforts, please visit