Prohibited, we prohibit:
Polls that ask questions about sensitive personal information
This includes, but is not limited to, users' racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, personal health or sex life.
Not Eligible for Recommendation:
All content should be produced in a manner that is consistent with reasonable industry best practices. The following are not eligible for recommendation:
Substandard Video Quality
Such as blurry low-resolution or overly pixelated imagery, incorrect orientation that would require a user to rotate their screen from vertical to horizontal, videos that mistakenly lack audio, etc.
Flashes or strobes
Without a warning for photosensitive users.
Illegible or inscrutable Partner Tile text
This applies to logos or headlines that may be hard to read due to issues with capitalization, punctuation, symbols or emojis.
Off-platform links
(URLs, QR codes, etc.) to other messaging services, social media platforms, or cloud storage servers. You are free to link to other social media platforms on your own story or profile, but that will not be eligible for promotion. (Note: in Discover, we make exceptions for certain trusted URLs on Snaps within a user’s Story, but those Snaps are not eligible to be featured as Tiles.)
Promotion of accounts
On other messaging services or social media platforms. For example, a username paired with the name or logo of a different social media or messaging app. (Note: we make exceptions when a Snap is attributing content to the original creator and adding original, transformative commentary).
Nepůvodní obsah
Zveřejňování obsahu, který jste nevytvořili a který jste nezměnili kreativním způsobem (prostřednictvím komentářů, reakcí apod.)
Obsah s nízkými nároky na reakci, který je pouhou záminkou ke zveřejnění obsahu někoho jiného
Opakované zveřejňování téhož obsahu, ať už se jedná o váš vlastní obsah nebo obsah někoho jiného, s minimálními rozdíly v kreativitě
The following is eligible for recommendation only on limited surfaces (such as Discover), but not in Spotlight or on the Map:
Off-platform links
(URLs, QR codes, etc.) to destinations that are not: other messaging services, other social media platforms, or cloud storage servers.
Public Interest Content