Transparency Report

July 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022


June 20, 2023


June 20, 2023

To provide insight into Snap’s safety efforts and the nature and volume of content reported on our platform, we publish transparency reports twice a year. We are committed to continuing to make these reports more comprehensive and informative to the many stakeholders who care deeply about our content moderation and law enforcement practices, as well as the  well-being of our community. 

This report covers the second half of 2022 (July 1 - December 31). As with our previous reports, we share data about the global number of in-app content and account-level reports we received and enforced against across specific categories of policy violations; how we responded to requests from law enforcement and governments; and our enforcement actions broken down by country. It also captures recent additions to this report, including the Violative View Rate of Snapchat content, potential trademark violations, and incidences of false information on the platform.

As part of our ongoing commitment to continually improve our transparency reports, we are introducing a few new elements with this release. We have added a section labeled “Analysis of Content and Account Violations” wherein we assess major data changes relative to our previous reporting period. 

In addition, we have updated how we present data in our content and account violations tables, both on the landing page and our country sub-pages. Previously, we ordered violations from most to least content enforcements. To improve consistency, our ordering now mirrors our Community Guidelines. This came at the suggestion of Snap’s Safety Advisory Board, which independently educates, challenges, raises issues to, and advises Snap on how to help keep the Snapchat community safe.

Finally, we have updated our Glossary with links to our Community Guidelines Explainers, which provide additional context around our platform policy and operational efforts. 

For more information about our policies for combating online harms, and plans to continue evolving our reporting practices, please read our recent Safety & Impact blog about this transparency report. 

To find additional resources for safety and privacy on Snapchat, see our About Transparency Reporting tab at the bottom of the page.

Overview of Content and Account Violations

2022 年 1 月 1 日至 6 月 30 日,我们针对全球范围内违反我们政策的 5,688,970 条内容进行了处理。处理措施包括移除违规内容或终止违规帐户。

在本报告期间,违规内容浏览率 (VVR) 为 0.04%,这意味着在 Snapchat 上每浏览 1 万次 Snap 和故事内容, 有 4 次浏览的是违规内容。

*Correctly and consistently enforcing against false information is a dynamic process that requires up-to-date context and diligence.  As we strive to continually improve the precision of our agents’ enforcement in this category, we have chosen, since H1 2022, to report figures in the "Content Enforced" and "Unique Accounts Enforced" categories that are estimated based on a rigorous quality-assurance review of a statistically significant portion of false information enforcements.  Specifically, we sample a statistically significant portion of false information enforcements across each country and quality-check the enforcement decisions.  We then use those quality-checked enforcements to derive enforcement rates with a 95% confidence interval (+/- 5% margin of error), which we use to calculate the false information enforcements reported in the Transparency Report.  

Analysis of Content and Account Violations

2022 年 1 月 1 日至 6 月 30 日,我们针对全球范围内违反我们政策的 5,688,970 条内容进行了处理。处理措施包括移除违规内容或终止违规帐户。

在本报告期间,违规内容浏览率 (VVR) 为 0.04%,这意味着在 Snapchat 上每浏览 1 万次 Snap 和故事内容, 有 4 次浏览的是违规内容。

Combating Child Sexual Exploitation & Abuse

The sexual exploitation of any member of our community, especially minors, is illegal, abhorrent, and prohibited by our Community Guidelines. Preventing, detecting, and eradicating Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Imagery (CSEAI) on our platform is a top priority for Snap, and we continually evolve our capabilities to combat these and other crimes.

Our Trust & Safety team uses active technology detection tools, such as PhotoDNA robust hash-matching and Google’s Child Sexual Abuse Imagery (CSAI) Match to identify known illegal images and videos of child sexual abuse, respectively, and report them to the U.S. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), as required by law. NCMEC then, in turn, coordinates with domestic or international law enforcement, as required.

In the second half of 2022, we proactively detected and actioned 94 percent of the total child sexual exploitation and abuse violations reported here.

**Note that each submission to NCMEC can contain multiple pieces of content. The total individual pieces of media submitted to NCMEC is equal to our total content enforced.

Terrorist and Violent Extremist Content

During the reporting period, we removed 132 accounts for violations of our policy prohibiting terrorist and violent extremist content.

At Snap, we remove terrorist and violent extremism content reported through multiple channels. These include encouraging users to report terrorist and violent extremist content through our in-app reporting menu, and we work closely with law enforcement to address terrorist and violent extremist content that may appear on Snap.

Self-harm and Suicide Content

我们非常重视 Snapchatter 的心理健康和福祉,这些影响了并将继续影响我们的很多决定,即该如何建设与众不同的 Snapchat。作为一个专为真实好友打造的交流平台,我们认为 Snapchat 能够发挥独特的作用,让好友在困难时刻互相伸出援手。

当我们的信任与安全团队发现 Snapchatter 悲伤苦恼时,他们可以提供预防自我伤害的资源并施以援手,且在适当情况下通知应急响应人员。我们提供的资源可在全球安全资源清单上找到,这些内容向所有的 Snapchatter 公开提供。

Country Overview

本部分简要介绍《社群指南》在抽样地理区域的执行情况。我们的指南适用于 Snapchat 上的所有内容以及全球各地的每个 Snapchatter(无论身在何地)。

如需查阅各国家/地区的相关信息,请下载此CSV 文件: