Usernames and Display Names

Community Guidelines Explainer Series

Updated: May 2024

Usernames and display names must comply with our Community Guidelines. In addition, they must not contain references to content or behavior prohibited by our Community Guidelines, such as:

  • Child sexual exploitation

  • Adult sexual exploitation

  • Pornography

  • Commercial sexual transactions

  • Illicit drug activity

  • Bullying or harassment, including sexual harassment

  • Impersonation (Note that fan, parody, or commentary accounts must explicitly disclose this fact in the display name)

  • Glorification of violent or disturbing content

  • Glorification of self-harm or suicide

  • Hateful content

  • Terrorism or violent extremism

  • Promotion of regulated goods or activities

  • Promotion of illegal goods or activities

  • Fraud

  • Spam

Violations of this policy may result in your account being disabled or you may be asked to choose a new username or display name in order to continue using Snapchat.

For information on how to change your username or display name, please see the following support articles: